The Unpredictable Road

Where is everybody? Am I alone? Is this the right way? Dear Lord, I belong to you and I have vowed to walk in your purpose for my life. Your glory has illuminated my path and I know I have been called to take this road. It is a narrow but beautiful road, filled with God’s abundant blessings. Along my journey, I have been blessed with gorgeous meadows, magnificent flowers, and breathtaking mountains.

But as the seasons in my life change. so does the terrain. The valleys are deep, the nights are long and the potholes are large. This road is not easy, my body often becomes weak yet , I will walk. I know your word; I can hear you speaking loudly to my spirit and soul for your word is a part of me. My body has become subjected to the Spirit of God as I constantly speak the word of God. This race is not only for the swift but for them that endure to the end. I have an appointment with destiny, I am walking on purpose so turning back is not an option. I won’t give up despite the  roadblocks, I will endure.

As a child of God, you are traveling an appointed way, your life’s journey began when you were conceived in your mother’s womb. Even then God blessed you and anointed you to fulfill his purpose for your life. The Bible states:

“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous and how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every day was laid out before a single day had passed” (Psalms 139: 13-16). 

 Before the beginning of time, the Lord established your existence for a purpose. You are not an accident. The Lord has strategically ordained for you to be here and has the desired design for your life. This is why the verse states that before you were conceived in your mother’s womb his eyes were upon you. You were not only created  to show forth God’s glory, but you were created to walk victoriously in this purpose.

Many people are confused as to what their purpose is. Purpose is often viewed as a goal, or as something in life that must be achieved. Purpose can be defined as the path by which you become what you were created to be. The Lord desires us to look like him. He wishes that we take on his attributes, his character, and his nature. This is God’s original intent. The Lord desires us to be mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally equipped in our journey to become more like Him. When you commit your life to the Lord as a vessel to be used by Him, your life no longer belongs to you. The Lord will lead you and guide you in every aspect of your life so you may bring glory to Him.

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1 comment

What a wonderful essay on the call and purpose for your life. Continue to trust God in preparation for the journey. Like the Apostle Paul admonished Timothy not to let anyone despise your youth 1Tim.4:11-14, I also admonish you. And remember the faith handed down to you by your parents Stanley and Naomi, Use the word of God as guidepost for the journey, and May God continue to bless and strengthen you as obey the call.


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